Health lodge

Health Lodge at DPF 4-H Camp

Medical Information

Health Policies and Procedures
(As required by the Suffolk County Department of Health)

ALL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY JUNE 1st to your Ultracamp account in order for your camper to attend and participate in camp this summer.

What do I need for my forms to be complete?

  • Camper’s health history form completed by parent on Ultra Camp
  • A printed copy of all current immunizations from the camper’s physician’s office
  • Each prescription or over-the-counter medication requires an individual written order from a licensed healthcare professional
  • Medical insurance

(Note: The Suffolk County Department of Health requires all health-related medical orders to be provided from a currently licensed Nurse Practitioner, MD or DO ONLY)


The DPF 4-H Camp takes every precaution to provide a safe and healthy environment for campers. Our camp Health Staff live at the camp health lodge 24 hours during the camping season.


The camp Health Staff, as required by the NYS Department of Health, must review all medical records. Any physical or mental health conditions must be noted on the Parent portion of the camper’s Health History Form.

Please Note: All physical and mental health conditions must remain well controlled during the camper’s stay at camp.

Campers with medication or change to their health condition since their most recent physical exam must review, accompanied by a parent, with the camp Health Staff upon check-in and prior to going to their assigned cabin.

The camp director must also be notified in advance of any health conditions that may require modifications during camp such as: sleep walking, hearing impairments, language barriers, home life, divorce, learning disabilities, recent change in medications, etc. No one is permitted to attend camp if they are ill – please call the camp office to discuss prior to camper’s start date. 


In case of a minor injury and/or illness at camp, the camp Health Staff will assess the camper’s health condition. For more severe or prolonged symptoms there will be no overnight stay in the infirmary of our Health Lodge. If a camper is injured or becomes ill, parents will be notified right away and required to pick up their child promptly. No over-the-counter drugs will be dispensed at camp unless specifically sent with the camper and a Health Provider’s written order. When a medical condition is serious or outside physician assessment is required, ALL fees are the parent’s responsibility. A copy of the front and back of your insurance card is required by the pediatrician.


A camper who becomes ill or is injured and cannot participate in regular camp activities may be sent home at the discretion of the Camp Director. Once the camper leaves the camp property for any medical reason, a written medical clearance to resume camp activities is required from a licensed healthcare provider before a camper may return to camp.

No refund will be issued for missed time due to injury or illness or if the camper does not return to camp.


If it is necessary for your child to receive any medication while at camp, please adhere to the following guidelines:

ALL medication prescriptions and ALL over the counter medications require a written order from a currently licensed healthcare professional; this includes over the counter medication. No medication, Rx’s or over-the-counter medications will be administered without these specific orders. NO EXCEPTIONS!

All prescription/non-prescription medications must be packed separately and given to the camp health staff upon arrival. All prescription/non-prescription medications must not be expired and must be in their original containers and labeled correctly. Medications with expired expiration dates must be brought home by the camper's parent.

Campers are permitted to carry their own inhalers and Epi-pens if the physician documents it on the Camper Health Form, it has a complete pharmacy label with their name on it, the medication is properly labeled, not expired and a Health Care Provider order accompanies the medication

Prescription orders and Over the Counter Medications MUST INCLUDE:

  • Complete name of the camper
  • Date prescription filled
  • Expiration date
  • Directions for use/precautions (if any), storage (if any).
  • Name and address of dispensing pharmacy
  • Name of physician prescribing medication

All minors/campers on prescription medications will be instructed on the first day camp about the schedule for administering medications.

Campers are allowed to bring sunscreen and insect repellent in lotion form (no aerosol or other sprays) but must use these appropriately and keep them in their luggage. Improper use of sunscreen or insect repellent will result in disciplinary action.


The parents’ private medical insurance is the camper’s primary coverage. All campers must have medical insurance or coverage to attend camp. All registered campers are covered by excess coverage accident insurance while at camp.

Last updated March 11, 2025