CommuniTree Stewards Save The Rain Tree Planting

Tree planting

School Tree Planting Program


The Long Island ReLeaf Committee is happy to continue our annual program to help plant trees at schools! The objective of this program is to inspire K-12 educators, administrators, and students to strengthen their connection with nature and to understand the benefits of trees for our communities and the environment.

As part of this program, schools will receive a free tree to be planted in their school yard. The members of our ReLeaf committee are excited to support these efforts by hosting a joint Arbor Celebration with an educational component and having the students involved in the tree planting. 

We anticipate working with five schools for this program. 


  1. To be eligible for this program, the proposed location of the tree planting must be at a school and in a location that is accessible by teachers and students. The program is open to all Long Island schools (public and private).
  2. We encourage schools to include details in their application on how the tree planting will connect to what students are learning in their classroom.
  3. Teachers or administrators who are applying for this program on behalf of their school must have permission from the building principal, school board, or any other authority who is required to grant approval.
  4. Our ReLeaf Committee is composed of experts in Urban Forestry who can provide recommendations for planting the right tree in the right place. 

The Planting Event:

Planting projects should be scheduled around the time of Arbor Day (April 25, 2025) but does not need to occur on this exact date. At least one member of our ReLeaf Committee will be present at the event to teach how to correctly plant the tree and talk about a stewardship plan for the tree’s continual care. Our ReLeaf Committee members are available to provide guidance when implementing a continual plan for tree care to ensure the tree reaches maturity and stays healthy throughout its life. The in-person event will benefit generations of children, connecting them to their hometown, and the lifelong benefits of tree stewardship. 

Next Steps:

Click here for application. All applications are due by March 14, 2025. Our ReLeaf Committee will be in contact with grant recipients by April 1, 2025. Good Luck!

Click here for printable information regarding this program. 

Important Dates for 2025:

The online application opens for submissions: January 20, 2025

Tree Planting Grant proposals are due: March 14, 2025

Link to application: :

About New York State ReLeaf Committee:

The New York ReLeaf Committee is made up of nine regional committees and overseen by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Urban and Community Forestry Program in partnership with the New York State Urban Forestry Council. ReLeaf brings together tree care professionals, municipal staff, utility arborists, state and local government officials, educators, tree board members, and interested members of the public in support of urban forestry across the State. The ReLeaf program promotes the value of trees, proper tree care, and sound urban forest management practices by connecting communities to technical expertise, information and resources, training, and potential funding sources that will help them meet their local needs and maintain and improve their urban forests.


Chloe Dymek
Natural Resources Project Coordinator
516-832-2591 Ext. 203

Last updated January 17, 2025