For DEC Pesticide Recertification
Core, 4 credits
March 13, 2025
Instructor: Arnie Linzer
This will be an online Zoom meeting course. The purpose of this course is to review and strengthen the important basics for the safe use of pesticides and administrative and reporting responsibilities for commercial pesticide applicators. Topics covered will include:
The Label, IPM, Calibration, Formulations, Annual, Reporting, Contracts and Safety around pesticides.
Upon completion participants will receive a NYSDEC Approved Pesticide Recertification Training Course Certificate of Attendance for Applicator’s Records. This course is approved by the NYSDEC for 4 CORE Recertification Credits.
*Recertification Note: Core credits count for all categories; however, of the total amount of continuing education credits required for each category a minimum of 25% must be specific to that particular category. The remaining 75% due can be category specific, core, or any combination of the two. For more info. visit:
Cost: $160
Location: This event is online.
Requirements: Desk Top PC or Laptop computer with microphone, camera and internet access is required to take this course.
For questions about the class contact: Instructor Arnie Linzer 516-263-7280
Click Register to start registration process. Please note in may take a full minute for screen to change. Do not refresh browser.
After registering: Please make sure you continue to the payment screen. Click on Add to Paypal Cart to continue. Please note you do not need a PayPal account to continue, just simply choose pay with credit/debit and choose "Do Not Save Your Info".
For questions about the course contact Course Instructor Arnie Linzer at 516-263-7280 or
If you have any other questions, please contact Vincent at 516-565-5265 ext. 202 or email
Vincent Drzewucki
Urban Forestry and Horticulture Educator
516-832-2591 ext 202
Last updated January 29, 2025