Cow in the Cornell Teaching Dairy Barn
Image by Lindsay France

Dairy Education


​Virtual Field Trip to HydrOrganic Farms

  • Monday, May 23, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Virtual Zoom Webinar

Monday, May 23rd
10:00 - 11:00am

Join educators from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County right from your classroom as we take a tour of HydrOrganic Farms in East Setauket, New York.

Bringing agriculture to life through a LIVE virtual farm field trip experience!

CCE-Nassau is offering a one-of-a-kind learning experience by connecting students to a real working farm from the comfort of their classrooms. Participants will have a real, live and engaging, unscripted tour of the farm, it's facilities and have the opportunity to see how this farm is using technology and robots to grow healthy food and distribute it locally!

About HydrOrganic Farms:

From their website:

HydrOrganic Farms is a vertical farming technology company focused on delivering fresh and nutrient dense produce to the Long Island and New York City region. Additionally, our continued R&D for sustainably powered growing technologies, harvesting robotics, and AI based crop management software insure consistent quality and freshness.

Our vertical farming systems produce crops without pesticides or fungicides using only non-GMO seeds. We harvest daily for optimal freshness.

To register for this event, please click here.

Any questions, please contact Nicole at 516-832-2591 ext. 11 or email 



Nicole Nash
4-H Agriculture Program Educator
516-832-2591 Ext 107


This event is online

Last updated April 26, 2022