Walk in Service and Garden Help Hotline
Spring - Summer starts March 15 – September 30th
Walk in Service location is East Meadow Farm, 832 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
Garden Help Hotline number is 516-832-2591 Ext 200. Have a question, email nassau@cornell.edu
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Fall - Winter starts October 1 – March 14th
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Demonstration & Community Gardens Open Dawn to Dusk
We are located at:
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau Horticulture Center & Demonstration Gardens East Meadow Farm
832 Merrick Avenue
East Meadow, New York 11554
For our Horticulture Information Hotline, call 516-832-2591 Ext 200
Visit our East Meadow Farm location for Gardening Information, Diagnostic Lab and Soil Testing
Click here for the Questionnaire for Diagnosis of Problems
(Please do not bring plants, soil, grass, etc to main office, East Meadow Farm handles all diagnostics).
Garden, Plant, Lawn, Home Diagnostic and Soil Testing Services
Available at The East Meadow Farm’s Diagnostic Lab
Garden, Plant and Lawn Diagnostic Walk-in Service Fee $7 for non-members, no charge for current CCE-NC members (Must show membership card). Includes identification or diagnosis of one garden, plant, lawn or home pest problem and provides Integrated Pest Management Extension recommendations and best management cultural practices. Diagnostic Lab is open Tues. Weds. & Sat. 10 am – 12:30 pm or drop off sample with payment anytime in drop box on porch with payment ($7 per sample, no charge for current members, make check payable to “Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County” or submit samples by mail and/or photos with online registration and payment*.
Soil Testing. Visit our page on "How to take a soil sample" for testing.
Soil pH Test. Fee $5 per sample, includes pH and soil texture with recommendations and consultation via email/phone. Diagnostic Lab is open Tues. Weds. & Sat. 10 am – 12:30 pm or drop off in drop box on porch anytime or submit samples by mail with online registration and payment*.
Soil Nutrient Analysis. Fee $35 drop off sample at EMF, we package and ship to lab. Includes pH, buffer pH (lime requirement), organic matter, Modified Morgan phosphorus, potassium and other elements, Cornell recommendations and remote consultation. Diagnostic Lab is open Tues. & Weds. & Sat. 10 am – 12:30 pm or drop off anytime in drop box on porch or submit samples by mail with online registration and payment*.
*For online registration/payment with credit card go to: https://pub.cce.cornell.edu/event_registration/main/events_landing.cfm?event=diagservsoiltesting_228
Cash, Check, Credit Cards, Diagnostic and Soil samples are accepted at:
For drop off in drop box (next to front door) include check made payable to “Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County” for full amount. Include name address phone # email and name of plant(s) on all samples. Do not leave cash in drop box. Please use online payment link above.
For questions please contact Vinnie Drzewucki at 516-832-2591 Ext 202 or email vad37@cornell.edu.
If you have problems with PayPal payment, please email nassau@cornell.edu
Soil Survey of Nassau County. This 167-page PDF publication, compiled by the USDA Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, includes maps with soil names and descriptions for Nassau County, NY.
Soil Texture. This factsheet discusses the four soil texture classifications of sands, silts, loams and clays; how they combine to make textural classifications; how soil texture is determined; and the 5 soil management groups in New York State.
Soil Organic Matter. This factsheet describes types of organic matter in soil; their physical, chemical & biological benefits; farm practices that help maintain or increase soil organic matter levels; and the importance of continued monitoring of soil organic matter content.
The Cornell Soil Health website offers a variety of resources on soil testing and improvement.
For more information on soil quality and testing, click here.
Peter Henneberry
EMF Operations Coordinator
516-832-2591 Ext 200
Last updated December 18, 2024