Entrepreneur & Small Business Workshop Series
Taste NY at the Long Island Welcome Center
Food Development, Safety, & Regulatory Compliance Workshop
Wednesday, September 11th, 2019
Session 1: 9:30-11:00am or Session 2: 1:30-3:00pm
Join us as we explore product development, safety evaluation, & regulatory compliance with Bruno Xavier, Ph.D., Food Engineer & Processing Authority from the Cornell Food Venture Center. There is no time like the present to learn the necessary steps to safely bring a product to market & gain formal validation for regulatory compliance. Light refreshments will be served.
Information About the Presentation
The Cornell Food Venture Center applies food science knowledge, expertise and resources to help food entrepreneurs to succeed when bringing new products to the market. The CFVC is recognized by State and Federal regulatory agencies as a processing authority and provides consultation in product development and process validation of food products to ensure food safety, regulatory compliance and promote economic development of small to mid-size food entrepreneurs. The CFVC has two locations for assistance in New York State; the main office based at the Cornell AgriTech campus in Geneva and a satellite office located in Brooklyn.
Participants in this training program will learn food microbiology and safety basics in order to create a viable food product. Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of food safety, processing and the applicable regulatory requirements to different product classifications. Course includes a hands-on activity during which participants will be guided through the steps to evaluate regulatory classification of their food product and learn about the process controls necessary to safely bring their product to market and gain formal validation for regulatory compliance.
Introduction to Food Product Development, Safety and Regulatory Compliance
- Product Assessment Exercise
- Product analysis: pH / water
activity / brix
- Formulation review: Identify
acidifiers / soluble solids
- Product classification
- Process controls and storage
Taste NY at the Long Island Welcome Center
5100 Long Island Expressway (between exit 51 & 52
Dix Hills, NY 11746
To register online, go to https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/fooddevelopmentsafety_228.
Fee: $20 per person
If you have any questions about this workshop, call Nicole at (516) 433-7970 Ext. 31 or email nb448@cornell.edu.
Nicole Borukhov
Supervising Community Nutrition Educator
516-832-2591 Ext. 112
Taste NY at the LI Welcome Center
5100 Long Island Expressway
Between Exits 51 and 52 east bound
Dix Hills, New York 11746
Last updated August 20, 2019